Amidst the current global events and the potential for a worldwide economic downturn, investing appears to be rather hazardous. However, certain industries do not slow down during uncertain times. Edtech is one such sector in which investors appear to be interested.
Around the world, there has been a significant surge in the use of cutting-edge educational technology, or edtech, in classroom settings in an attempt to improve student learning outcomes and assist teaching and learning. The school system has been adopting more personalized, adaptive, and student-centered learning models in recent years. These models include digital learning content, intelligent classrooms, and teacher videos that are pre-recorded and enhance the learning process.
Over the past several years, edtech has greatly raised educational standards all over the world and played a major influence in this regard. The country’s edtech business, which was expanding at a steady rate until the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, is predicted to rise exponentially to the tune of US$ 30 billion by 2031.
The advancement of artificial intelligence in education, the teaching of STEM subjects and coding, and the growing use of immersive technology in education are some of the emerging trends. Online tuition and language study are expected to continue to grow in popularity in the years to come. The Covid-19 epidemic has undoubtedly contributed to the advancement of remote learning technologies.
Every parent websites will probably become more ingrained in routine operations as schools strive to improve parent-school communication and provide home learning opportunities in the event of an emergency closure.
Compared to traditional learning software, EdTech solutions that use neural networks and adaptive learning algorithms are likely to succeed since they provide more options for individualized learning as well as parent input and reporting.